Proto Aroids (Gymnostachis,Orontium, Symplocarpus)
\ /
\/ Monsteroids+Spathiphyllum+Holochlamys+Anthurium+Pothos
\ /
\/ Lasioideae
\ /
\/ Calla
\ /
\/ "Philodendroideae"(Including Zamioculcadeae, Spathicarpeae
\ / Zantedeschia, Montrichardieae...)
"Aroideae" (Including Caladieae, Areae, Colocasioideae,
Amorphophallus, Lemna, Cryptocorineae...)
There is also a second one that was partially published in "The Genera of
Araceae" by Mayo, Bogner and Boyce, but genera are not showed in details. It
seems it was based mainly on morpho-anatomical features. The final cladogram
seems to be in preparation, to be published by Mayo, Bogner, Boyce, Murata
and Yokoyama. Well, they cite this "future" publication in the references of
"Genera of Araceae". Many others using DNA sequencing are in preparation,
including mine on Spathicarpeae sensu lato (including Dieffenbachia and
Bognera), but most are only partial and I don't know when we will have
another one for the whole family.
Best wishes,
French,J.C.; M. Chung. & Y. Hur (1995). Chloroplast DNA phylogeny of the
Ariflorae. In Rudall,P.J; P.J.Cribb, D.F.Cutler & C.J.Humphries (eds.).
Monocotyledons: systematics and evolution 1. 255-275. Royal Botanic Gardens,
Mayo,S.J.; J.Bogner & P.C.Boyce (1997). The genera of Araceae. Royal Botanic
Gardens, Kew.
Mayo, S.J.; J.Bogner; P.C.Boyce; J.Murata & J.Yokoyama (in prep.). A new
cladistic classification of the Araceae.
>W. microscopica is a tiny floating plant. it just looks like minute,
>minute green balls.
>edu, is there a cladogram for the araceae?
>tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA
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