-----Original Message-----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Date: Saturday, June 17, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: Rhaphidophora sp. at Fairchild Tropical Garden
>Dear Craig
>This is VERY interesting and whatever genus your plant turns out to belong
>(I'm now quite convinced that it IS a Rhaphidophora - see below) to it is
>definitely an undescribed species.
>Further, and contrary to my earlier emails giving this plant the name
>Monstera dubia, this is clearly not going to grow into anything other then
>what it is displaying already. It seems to be another of the extreme
>neotenic Rhaphidophora species that are on New Guinea.
>These extreme neotenic Rhaphidophora species are uncommon (five recorded to
>date; three in New Guinea and Australia (R. hayi, R. pachyphylla, R.
>okapensis), one in Maluku (R. parvifolia) and one in Borneo (R.
>latevaginata) but none flower in the manner you have described for the
>Fairchild plant, which is why I am now sure that it's new.
>I am presently writing an account of Rhaphidophora for New Guinea,
>and the tropical Western Pacific and would be really grateful if you could
>keep an eye out for flowering of your plant this summer and, if possible,
>preserve an inflorescence or two into 70% alcohol as it opens. I will be in
>Fairchild for the IAS Annual this September - could we meet up and take a
>look at this plant?
>Many thanks in advance
>Peter C. Boyce
>Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
>Surrey TW9 3AE
>Tel.: (+44) (0) 20 8 573 1212 (home)
> (+44) (0) 20 8 332 5207 (work)
>Fax: (+44) (0) 20 8 332 5278
>email: boyce@pothos.demon.co.uk (home)
> p.boyce@rbgkew.org.uk (work)