From: Jack Honeycutt jhoneycutt at> on 2000.06.13 at 02:49:59(4751)
I just picked up "The New Royal Horticulture Society Directory, Manual of
Climbers and Wall Plants" by Burras (Timber Press, 1994, about $44 with
shipping from Amazon).
Lovely B&W line drawings, a list of 'Names no longer in Use', 'Index of
popular names', and a nice bibliography. About 265 pages. Much of the
information is taken from the 1992 massive work "The New RHS Directory of
Gardening" (who can afford that??!!)
Burras's book has a listing for Monstera (10 species described, plus about
another 10 older names or, 'also know as' references), and Rhaphidophora (2
species described). No drawings of either.
The keys pale in compression to Peter Boyce's 'juvenile monsteroids' post
earlier today (thank you Peter for that fine post; it is going in my
permanent file).
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Here is the description for M. dubia:
M. dubia (HBK) Engl. & K. Krause.
Adult leaves to 130 X 60cm, oblong, base truncate,regularly
pinnatisect, segments 12-20, linear; juvenile forms shingle
plant, with leaves silver-variegated. Petioles to 45cm, sheath
deciduous. Spathe large, white; spadix to 42.5cm, white. C America
(Nicaragua, Costa Rica).
(I don't know what a 'spadix ' is. Could someone tell me?)
And here is Rhaphidophora celatocaulis:
R.aurea (Lind. & Andre) Birdsey. See Epipremnum aureum.
R.celatocaulis (N.E. Br.) Knoll (Pothos celatocaulis N.E. Br.). Shingle Plant
Stems climbing, tall. Leaves of juvenile plants 8.5-10 x 5.5-6.5 cm, in 2
ranks, closely adpressed to substrate, overlapping and obscuring stem,
entire, elliptic-ovate, coriaceous, blue-green; adult leaves to 40x 30cm,
entire, pinnatifid or pinnatisect, occasionally perforate, segments
obliquely truncate at apex; petiole equalling lamina. Peduncle to 40cm;
spathe to 15x6cm, fleshy, yellow. Borneo.