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Re: Which back issues??
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.06.12 at 02:41:20(4732)
Not much has been written about Aracee.... for a couple of reasons...
(1.) Araceae has really just become popular within the last ten or fifteen
years... and (2.) Grants are not easy to get and money is what greases
the wheels of publishers. Another reason could be that there would be a
limited audience for a major work... Several Scientists have bridged all
of these obsticles. but they are high....
I have one copy of "A Revision of Monstera" by Dr. Michael Madison...
Reprinted from "Contributions from The Gray Herbarium of Harvard
University, No. 207" from 1977. You might want to write Harvard and see
if they have copies available....
This is the only specific book that I am aware of.... nothing on
Rhaphidophora.... Sad!!!!
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>At 11:14 AM 6/11/2000 -0500, Pete wrote:
>>Your white variegated 'Rhaphidophora' is Monstera dubia.
>I am so confused.
>I need some basic literature to get up to speed. I just joined The Aroid
>Society and have requested some back issues of Aroideana. In addition, I
>have ordered:
>Index to Aroideana
>Aroids of Paupau New Guinea
>What I would like to get my arms around is Raphidophora and Monstera. Can
>anyone refer me to some books or literature to read?
>Thanks in advance.
>Jack in Portland Oregon
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