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  Re: Philodendron Burle Marx
From: Neil Crafter golfstra at senet.com.au> on 2000.06.01 at 00:54:57(4661)
There are two Philodendrons with a name referring to Roberto Burle-Marx.
The first is P.burle-marxii and the second is P.cv "Burle-Marx's Fantasy". Its
hard to know which one you have from your description. I'm pretty sure both of
these are listed in "Exotica", but I'm at work and my copy is at home! I have
a very small piece of "Fantasy" I received from Michael Pascall at the
Whyanbeel Arboretum in Queensland - he may be able to give a description of
the mature plant. Given the veining pattern I have seen on the leaves of my
small plant I am not 100% convinced that it is a Philo, but that remains to be
seen. Any comments out there? As for the other, my recollection is that it has
a strap shaped leaf and quite spaced internodes. Hopefully other people can
post further on this. I'll try and see if I have any references in my
literature at home.

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