IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: Alocasia & Anthurium
From: "Mary Alice Fish" fish at mpinet.net> on 2000.04.27 at 01:03:31(4440)
>Dear aroiders,
>Firstly a request and then an offer:
>The request is for an identification. I purchased yesterday an unnamed,
>beautiful Alocasia. It has a patterned stem like A. zebrina but the
>arrow-shaped leaves are plain green with bold white veins and scalloped
>margins. I think it might be A. micholitziana but the leaves on my plant
>point vertically and the only picture I have seen of that species seemed to
>show the leaves bending down at right angles to the stem like most other
>Alocasia species. Any suggestions? I will try and get a pic on the web
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