> Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 20:20:34 -0600
> Reply-to: aroid-l@mobot.org
> From: grsjr@juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.)
> To: zhu
> Subject: Re: More on Arisaema erubescens
> Peter,
> Very interesting. Thanks for sharing the references with us. I do have a
> translation of the Key from Flora of China done at the National
> Arboretum. It does identify A. erubescens but does not even mention A.
> consanguineum. Hopefully the descriptive portion of the document does do
> that, but I do not have a translation of that. I do have a partial
> translation, not in computer form, and will search that.
> The section of the key on A. erubescens shows:
> Arisaema Sect. 13 Sinarisaema
> 1. Spathe throat margin entire.
> 2. Appendix apex glabrous.
> 3. Leaflets 14, undulate-margined; appendix thick-clavate,
> narrowed to base,
> upper part to 1 cm thick.
> 70. A. undulatum Krause
> 3. Leaflets entire.
> 4. Leaves 2.
> 5. Leaflets 9, oblanceolate; spathe purple with white
> striae,
> blade with linear cauda to 12 cm long; appendix thin, 7 cm x 1 mm.
> 71. A. oblanceolatum Kitamura
> 5. Leaflets 11, linear-lanceolate; spathe green with
> white striae, blade with linear cauda 4.0-4.5 cm x 5-6 mm, female
> appendix with numerous
> sterile flowers.
> 72. A. biradiatifoliatum Kitamura
> 4 Leaf 1.
> 6. Petiole longer than leaf blade; appendix more or
> less with sterile flowers.
> 7. Spathe green with white striae; leaflets 7-13.
> 8. Appendix thin, 4-5 cm x 1 mm, slightly
> recurved, sparsely covered with sterile flowers below.
> 73. A. formosanum Hayata
> 8. Appendix thicker, 5-6 cm x 2-4 mm, middle
> and lower parts with obtuse sterile flowers to 7 mm long.
> 74. A. kelung-insulare Hay.
> 7. Spathe green or purple, with or without white
> striae; appendix narrowed toward base and apex, 2-4 cm long, 2.5-5.0 mm
> thick in middle, lower part with sterile flowers; leaflets few or more.
> 75. A. erubescens (Wall.) Schott
> 6. Petiole shorter than blade; leaflets 13, 30 x 6-7
> (-10) cm.
> 76. A. brevipes Engl.
> 2. Appendix apex ciliate or rugose.
> 9. Appendix clavate, stipitate, 2.2-6.0 cm x
> 5-9 mm, apex densely echinate for more than 0.7 mm.
> 78. A. echinatum (Wall.) Schott
> 9. Appendix thin-cylindric, sessile, 2-4 mm
> thick, apex rugose, lower part with numerous sterile flowers.
> 77. A. concinnum Schott
> 1. Spathe throat margin oblique-truncate, ciliate, blade violet-purple
> with greenish white striae that nearly reach the blade margin.
> 79. A. ciliatum H Li
> and so on.
> Ray
> GRSJr@Juno.com
Guanghua Zhu
Missouri Botanical Garden
P. O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299, USA
Phone: (314)577-9454
Fax: (314)577-9438