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A. wentii, and pothos blooms
From: toeric toeric at ev1.net> on 2000.04.16 at 22:19:51(4386)
Heyowdy all. I just bought an Alocasia called A. wentii. I can't seem to
find any information on this species. Does anyone know anything about it
like what its full size will be and what conditions it likes? Anything
would be helpful. Thanks ahead of time.
Now I have a question I have always wondered about. My whole life my mother
had pothos ivies (Epipremnum aureum or Scindapsus areus) around the house
and in my adult life I have always kept them around my house. To this day I
have never seen one bloom. Do they bloom? I have grown them under all kinds
of conditions of course. My mother even has one now growing in almost full
sun near the Houston area!!! Anyone not from here let me just say that
plants that are recommended for full sun we grow in part shade in the
Houston area because the heat combined with the sun is just too intense for
most plants (and people too!)
Back to my question. Has anyone seen one bloom? Are there any pictures of
the bloom on the web? If you have seen one bloom what conditions was it
under. Of course I am not interested in pothos itself really; I just grow
it as filler around the house and out on the porch but it has just bugged
me that it is such a common plant and yet I have never had or seen it bloom.
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