IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: advice please
From: plantnut at macconnect.com (plantnut) on 2000.04.16 at 14:35:20(4385)
I'm sure that you have seen the Bumper Sticker here in S. Fla. that
reads.... "So Many Species, So Little Time".... Well, I have just finished
repotting the Amorph. Collection. Used over 200 cu. ft. of potting
media... All hand mixed.... Now, to start on the 200 species of Anth.,
150 species of Philo. and a hundred or so other species... It now takes
two of us to maintain the collection and one of us in 90 years young and
the other feels over 100.... So, just too many species.... Can't grow
them all....

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