From: Tim & Mary McNinch Newton at> on 2000.04.09 at 15:23:48(4362)
Each natural species developed in a soil mix that allowed it to survive in the
natural surroundings. Even if one has the patience, it is nearly impossible to
imitate the natural soil requirements of a given plant.
I have some Am. species that I simply plant right outdoors in the ground.
My soil
here has a high clay content, but not enough to cause severe problems. My
grow well, flower and reproduce. I am sure they would do better with more
attention to soil and fertilizers, but they do well and do not appear stressed.
The only rule I follow for potted Am. species is to provide them with PLENTY of
root space. If I see any sign of pot-bound roots, next year's pot get much
larger. I use a mixture of general purpose potting soil with garden compost. I
fertilize weekly and keep them well watered and well drained. I have never
had a
tuber rot (yet). I do not allow standing water in any of my Am. species.
As for over wintering, some Am. species do OK out of the soil, others should be
left undisturbed. Your best bet is to list the sp. you are most interested
in and
see who else responds.