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  Re: Anthurium splendidum
From: herm hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2000.03.31 at 21:54:03(4288)
At 08:02 PM 03/30/2000 , Betsytrips@aol.com wrote:
>Remember the thing we used to call Splendidum is no longer Splendidum. The
>low altitude thing from the Choco is a bitch to grow and likes to be in a
>terrarium because it grows along a river with lots of humidity. The beautiful
>thing we knew as Splendidum is from Colombia but no one knows where. It too
>can be stinky to grow, but it is easier than the true "Splendidum." The one
>that Rick Cirino brought back from the Choco and I later found the same place
>is really difficult to grow and it is now known as the true Splendidum. Rick
>did the writeup about this one and the change in name. You might like to
>contact him.

ALSO Rick's plants look GORGEOUS no matter what he says about how difficult
they are. like i have never seen. you could keel over.


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