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Subject: Re: abnormal flowers
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Status: OR
Dear Claire:
I do not grow Spath but I suggest you contact Dr. Jake Henny at the
University of Florida' s Apopka Research Facility... He breeds Spath and
would be more in tune with the defects and deformities which occurr when
plants are sprayed with inappropriate chemicals. I suggest you be more
specific about what Spathiphyllum Variety and the exact treatments the
plants were subjected to.
His E-mail address is
The process of flowering in Spath is controlled by hormones ( day length
Some varieties may be more prone to producing defective inflorescences than
others. If it is only a small percentage that is defective then you can
salvage the crop by removing any bad flowers. If all the flowers turn our
bad then I do not think that there is anything that can be done after the
fact... that crop of spath maybe toast. At least you will know what not to
do for the future.
Denis at Silver Krome
Claire Piette wrote:
> Hello,
> Recently we found some abnormal Spathiphyllum flowers in our greenhouse.
> Some are smaller then usually; others have a normal size, but lack a
> spathe and instead there is a little of white amorph tissue. The same
> plant has normal and abnormal flowers. The only thing that we changed
> during culture, is fumigation with Bladafume against thrips.
> Does someone have a hypothesis for these abnormal flowers?
> Thank you,
> Claire Piette
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