From: Krzysztof Kozminski kk at> on 2000.03.11 at 03:38:12(4203)
On Sun, 5 Mar 2000 wrote:
> geoffrey, right now i have A. Black Velvet, villanovii, micholitziana,
> Elaine, Hilo Beauty, all dormant. interestingly enough, reversa has proven
> to be more resilient, and it is still green, although i can't seem to keep
> more than 2 leaves going at a time. i guess my apt. is just not warm and
> humid enough? in the summer, when the weather warms up, i hope they'll
> sprout again.
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I can only advise re: A. Black Velvet: keep it humid and in low light.
Mine was languishing in the greenhouse (under 50 % shade cloth) and only
after I dumped it into the holding area under the table for
soon-to-be-junked pots, that it started growing and instead of the usual 2
leaves, sprouted about 10 of them. Seeing that it recovered so nicely, I
put it back on the table, and it promptly went down to 4 leaves. So now
it lives back under the table...
"Microsoft is to software what McDonalds is to gourmet cooking"
Krzysztof Kozminski