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Re: Seed trouble
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 2000.03.07 at 03:56:09(4171)
In a message dated 3/5/00 5:01:50 PM Central Standard Time, Jmh98law@aol.com
<< Gee, Dewey, I must be the same age as you . . . I remember that, too. And
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when the vegetable man came through the neighborhood on a wagon pulled by a
horse, and the iceman delivered blocks of ice to the house for the ice box.
And when "air conditioning" on a hot day was two 5 year olds (what one
couldn't think of the other one could) sitting on the block of ice he dropped
and left on the street after getting in to the back yard in the little red
wagon . . . what were they called -- something Flyer? >>
Now, I have been beat on this one. the block of ice I remember hearing about,
but I do not have any memory of personally. I remember when the mail man did
nothing but walk, when packages were delivered to your door, when the package
did not look like it had been ground to bits in processing and when the mail
man was pleasant and human in nature.
I wonder if this deal will ever die of its own accord. I never dreamed we
would go down this path when it started.
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