From: Eric Simpson crat at> on 2000.01.11 at 15:11:49(3997)
I have two 4 year old plants that I originally received as C. esculenta. They
are tuberous rather than bulbous. Last year these were extremely floriferous
(at least as far as these plants have been) having at least 15 blooms per
plant. As I have read that C. escuelenta was not good about fertilizing, the
pollen was collected from each flower as available. By storing the pollen dry
until another bloom just opened, mixing the pollen with water and pouring
through the bloom, I was able to get about 100% fertilization. The berries I
got were red and are now awaiting planting. I didn't send the seeds to the AEG
exhange as I'm not 100% sure these are C. esculenta anymore.
Any way to determine if this really is C. esculenta?
Eric Simpson
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Washington, DC
Julius Boos wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Tom Croat
> To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Date: Monday, January 03, 2000 5:43 PM
> Subject: Berry color of Colocasia esculenta
> Dear Tom,
> See Aroideana Vol. 8, No. 3, pg. 83---"Ripe taro fruits are yellow, small".
> I have seen about three, maybe more inflorescences per leaf axil, and I will
> keep my eyes open around where I work next summer, there are escaped
> populations that ferquently bloom.
> You describe one of the forms that do produce a tuber/tubers, but many do
> not, and they only produce these long, thin stolons. There is also a
> tuberous form which has started to turn up here in Florida imported from
> Jamaica (I believe it is the same as the rare one we have in T`dad that we
> refer to as 'Biche dasheen' [Biche is a small Eastern Village] or 'blue
> metal', as the tuber cooks to a blue-gray color). It has tubers that look
> like portions of a smooth tree trunk, and are sometimes 'forked' so that the
> plant would have had two tops on one lower tuber, quite different from the
> globular tubers with prominent circular leaf scars that are more common in
> Super Markets around here, and which cook to a white color and are inferior
> eating to the 'blue metal' tubers.
> There is some good information on wild populations of Colocasia in the most
> recent issue of Aroideana which has just arrived here, an excellent issue by
> the way!!
> Hope this information is of help.
> Sincerely,
> Julius