From: plantnut at (Dewey) on 1999.12.29 at 14:42:49(3990)
The January general meeting of the IAS will be held on Saturday,
January 29, at 11 AM, at The Palm Hammock Orchid Estate at 9995 SW 66
Street, Miami, Fl. The Host and Speaker of the Meeting will be Tim
Anderson. His topic will be General Aroid culture in Subtropical South
Florida. This meeting presents a wonderful opportunity to see one of the
premier garden centers in South Florida with a eclectic mix of exotic
tropical plants, not just Aroids, well tested for usage in pond or
garden. Refreshments will be provided. Raffle plants and door prizes
will be available. Bring your Aroid plant problems and see if Tim can
find a solution for you. Please come and help us kick off the new year
with our first Saturday meeting away from Fairchild Garden.
Preceeding this general meeting there will be a brief meeting of the IAS
board convened at 10:00 AM at the Palm Hammock Orchid Estate to
discuss upcoming meeting and events of the Aroid society, all IAS
members are welcome to come and put their "two cents" into the
Discussion. Please try to attend if you are on the Board.
February's meeting will be back at Fairchild Gardens in the Classroom,
Monday night February 28, 2000.
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