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  Re: seeds to split
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.12.16 at 16:32:34(3958)
Just to add my two cents to this seed deal, I might think it rather difficult
to send anthurium seed and philo seed in this manner. Not all seed in the
months they are sending and my experience is that they do not live terribly
long. In fact, some barely make it back from collecting. Sending in the
months they say runs into weather problems also. Much to be considered for
those willing to foot the bill. I think it was Julius who said to be wary of
such offerings and I might well be willing to go along with that. If you got
the money to blow and really do not expect very much, then any result would
be okay, but that is a lot of money to get ify seed.

Good luck, no matter what you do.


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