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  One Plant Nut Meets Another Plant Nut and Plant Nut takes on NW
From: Jmh98law at aol.com on 1999.12.09 at 03:20:33(3907)
During our recent trip to Florida, Glen, my formerly amiable partner : -),
and I made plans to visit with Dewey Fisk, THE PHILODENDRON PHREAQUE. What
an incredible collection of plants, row upon row, each more beautiful than
the last! (Naturally, the one I fell in love with was *not* for sale.
Hopefully, Dewey will produce some youngsters soon). Botanical names rolled
easily off the lips of Dewey and delightful his 90-year-old partner, Ralph.
Dewey was often heard to say, "Well most of all, I love that plant because no
one else has one!" I can relate to that.

We planned a potluck, and Julius and Susan Boos came up from West Palm Beach.
Jules brought eddoes (edible taro) prepared with his mother's T'dad recipe
and also fried plantains, both of which were a wonderful complement to the
Pacific Rim Tuna that we brought for the grill. The conversation was
stimulating and lots of fun. The lilt of Julius' and Susan's Trinidadian
voices will be long remembered.

Fortunately, the plants that I chose, (and Dewey's generous gifts), fit into
the rental car -- except for the large Amorphophallus titanum (oh, the devil
made me do it) -- that Dewey will send when it goes dormant. More about that

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