IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: my new website
From: jbauer at concordnc.com on 1999.11.11 at 23:28:12(3821)
Hi Brian,
I was glad to see plants growing around the roots of the Ficus benghalensis
(Banyan tree) and the nice pathways going around the tree roots.
What does the huge arbor support?
Where is the great looking garden pool located? What variety of Yucca is in the
background? Another aroid enthusist, Carol Lim carol23@bellatlantic.net, wants
Yucca glauca. If you got this plant please let us know. Or where she can find it.
Are those palms or bambo with you and the Urospatha Grandis? Are they all hardy
where you live in Ky?
You sure are doing a terrific job with your webpage. Thanks for sharing with
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