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  Volcano in Ecuador erupting
From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 1999.10.07 at 01:06:35(3706)
The following posting was obtained from the NOAA site that monitors volcanic
activity worldwide. Apparently the Guagua Pichincha Volcano that overlooks
Quito has erupted with a thick cloud of ash. For those who might know them,
Dr. Tom Croat, Dr. Dick Mansell, Lynn Hannon and Tom's assistant Beth, are
all now in this area of Ecuador. I imagine that their trip to Lita will be
eventful and memorable. At any rate, the eruption does not sound like a huge
exposion such as Mt. St. Helens, but the ash falling over the area is sure to
add some excitement to their travels.
-Donna Atwood
Selby Gardens
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