f. viride
others = f. sazensoo
A. sikokianum Franchet & P.A. Savatier (in bold print signifying a valid
species name with 3 forms)
v. serratum (Makino) Hand. -Mazz.
v. sikokianum Franchet & P.A. Savatier
v. henryanum (Engl.) H. Li
v. integrifolium = sikokianum
It is not surprising that they don't look alike. They are entirely
separate species.
Jin Murata placed them as follows in his revision of the Japanese species
(also available here)
24. Spathe blade widely ovate, ovate to oblong-ovate, fornicate, acute
to acuminate, distinctly declined
25. Spathe blade longer than
tube..........................................................A. sazensoo
Blume ex Makino
25. Spathe blade shorter than
tube........................................................A. kuratae
24. Spathe blade obvate, not fornicate, cuspidate, erect or
ascending.......A. sikokianum Fr. et Sav.
Since he is the reigning expert on Japanese species, we have a definitive
separation of the two.
I'm not sure which keys you ordered. There are keys for Japanese,
Chinese, Burmese, American, Himalayan, and Indian species all available
to members for the postage.