IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: Bastiaan Meeuse at 83 : THE NEW YORK TIMES AUGUST 8, 1999 (fwd)
From: TM8TERS4U at aol.com on 1999.08.12 at 23:40:46(3567)
RE: Dr. Bastiaan J. D. Meeuse. Dr. Meeuse must have been a fascinating
individual, given his work with the voodoo lily. Perhaps among his writings
is enough material for an issue of the IAS Journal. Comments?.....

RE: A. Titanum. I have now heard 4 references to A. Titanum blooming this
year in various collections around the country. All recieved media
attention. Any possible correlation to these events?


Rick in Miami in August

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