From: StellrJ at on 1999.07.12 at 04:29:27(3494)
Today, I was in the food co-op on the east side of Olympia, Washington. It
was the last place I ever expected to see Mostera deliciosa fruits, but there
they were--the name translated to "Delicious Monster Fruit." Well, since
this is a fruit I have long daydreamed of one day tasting, I "seized the day"
and bought one, even though, at $5.45 each, they were more than I would
normally shell out for produce.
Attached to each fruit with a rubber band were instructions from the grower
(an organic farm in Florida) on how to use the fruit. They said to put the
fruit in an empty jar, stem end up, and wait for the green scales to fall off
and reveal a white core. Twice they pointed out that this must happen on the
fruits own accord, without human help (presumably because of calcium
oxalate). Well, I have followed those instructions, and the fruit sits in
its jar on a shelf in my bedroom. Does anyone else have experience with this
fruit, to tell me if there is anything else I need to do? At that price, I
cannot afford to let it go to waste.
Jason Hernandez
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