Not only do you get the very impressive volume but there is also a CD that
will put the entire book on your computer. This is very impressive....
Send your check for $135.00 to the IAS, P. O. Box 43-1853, South Miami,
Florida.... and please mark it for 'Genera'... or something that will
tell us what it is for....
I would appreciate it if a couple of you would expound on the virtues of
this book. It is sort of a high price to pay for a book and lots of folks
might be a little hesitant.... Would need a little encouragement to spend
this much for a book.. Tell all what you think...
Dear Aroid friends,
I`d like to take this opportunity to put in a 'plug' for this marvelous
volume. It is THE reference work for all known genera of Aroids, wonderful
line drawings of all genea, and a great description of the details that
allow the experts (and us, if we take the time to read, learn and
understand!) to defrentiate between genera. Lots of fantastic color (!)
photos at the back, lots of very interesting discussions on ALL aspects
concerning Aroids. A warning, some of the text may be too scientificly
detailed for some of us, after all it is a scientific book first and
formost, but overall very interesting writing by several authors.!!
I would not hesitate to recomend this book HIGHLY to all of us who like/love
Aroids, and who like to aquire more information on all of them!!
I have heard it said that all species are not mentioned or pictured, but
remember this is on the genera, not species of Aroids!
GREAT book! WELL worth the asking price!!!
Good growing,