From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at> on 1999.06.29 at 15:34:51(3466)
I received the following email message from He's
asking for some information about a specific Alocasia. If anyone can help
him out, you might want to email him directly since I don't believe he's a
member of the aroid listserver.
"Hello, I have in St. Petersburg, Florida. I saw your web-page this evening
and was interested to know if you have any knowledge of a very rare
Alocasia by the name of Alocasia zebrina var. Reticulata. If you can tell
me any information. I would greatly appreciate it. I know that it is from
Southeast Asia and was first introduced in 1985 to the US. 1,000 tissue
cultures were made and were sent to a nursery in Homestead, FL. When
Hurrican Andrew came through in 1992, it destroyed everyone of them except
the original that remained at Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, where is
remains today. I am told that it is a species and that the plant is under
"lock and key," never to be removed from there. If you can help me, I would
appreciated it. I need to know more about this plant. "
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