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  Amorphophallus gigas blooming update
From: "Craig M. Allen" <cm_allen at yahoo.com> on 1999.05.23 at 04:16:40(3393)
Below are the new statistics on the Amorphophallus
gigas that is blooming at Fairchild Tropical Garden,
Miami, Florida. Unfortunately I am going to be in
London next week, and I'm afraid I could miss the
"Grand Opening" of this flower. Suzanne at the Garden
will be updating the web page she set up for the
gigas. Tomorrow another picture should be taken, but
it might not get posted until early next week but the
statistics are updated daily.

.Note that the spadix was first exposed today, but
the spathe is still tightly wrapped around its base...

We will have to get up on a tall ladder to see the
spathe and spadix up close. The mottled petiole is
very striking to everyone who sees it up close.


Gigas Bloom Watch:
May 22, 1999 - 4:30 PM 95.5 inches, spadix begins to
May 21 - 5:30 PM 85.25 inches
May 21 - AM 82.5 inches
May 20 - noon 72 inches
May 19 60 inches
May 17 49.5 inches, identified as inflorescence

Craig M. Allen

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