IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Phalloid Dormancy
From: Don Burns <donburns at macconnect.com> on 1999.03.10 at 05:32:39(3107)
>Dear Aroiders,
>Could someone advise me on the best way to store A. bulbifer and A.
>paeoniifolus during dormancy? Should they be bare bulbed or in a dry
>medium ? Sincerely, Susan Lovell


They can be bare, or in medium. Either way they should do OK. I do both
here in the subtropics. But, bear in mind that this does not apply to
species that come from some of the south Asian islands, such as Sumatra.
They should remain in medium during dormany and be kept slightly moist. See
the Amorphophallus pages at the IAS website for
discussions on cultural aspects of phalloids.


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