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Re: Seed Germination
From: Betsytrips at aol.com on 1999.03.03 at 04:36:36(3093)
As to seed germination of anthuriums, I have sprouted thousands from
greenhouse produced seed and collected seed from the wild. I clean the pulp,
spread the seed onto good damp potting soil within a closed terrarium setting
and put under lights. Most do very well in a fairly short time. Others take
forever. And, of course, some take the heavenly route. The hardest usually are
those that you are just dying to see and to have to live. Perhaps the most
difficult I ever had and failed with production of mature plants, was
anthurium cutuense from the southern mountains of Ecuador. I could get them to
sprout, but getting them to grow was not within my realm. I tried
transplanting into several mediums and each appeared to be just what I needed
and then, as you have already guessed, they failed. I have grown anthurium
peltigerum from seed several times from collected seed. The hardest part in
general has been the transfer of reasonable size seedlings into solo
situations and out into the open. Once they get adjusted nature takes its
course. If they can stand our summer heat or the winter heat in the
greenhouse. Another set of fun conditions to find in which each can survive.
There is great joy in waiting and watching and participation in the cycle of
life again and again. I think many of you have different genera that fascinate
you and I would imagine go thru similar tribulations as I have with the
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Wishing each of you well with whatever seed you tackle. You most likely will
start with cleaning every seed that you find and trying to grow the thousands
of little fellows only to come to realize you cannot save the world. At that
point a few seed is wonderful and easier to watch and to deal with.
Good growing now that the spring light has come to increase your desire to
watch those plants grow. Spring does have that strange ability to arouse our
interest in growing plants no matter what genera or type. Good Growing to all
of you.
Betsy Feuerstein
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