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  Re: Danger!
From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1997.02.04 at 15:52:39(300)

I've never been to Florida but I believe it to have a very mild
In Melbourne, Australia we have a mild temperate climate perhaps a
little similar to you ( ? )
Aroids that go 'feral' here are :
Arum italicum
Pinellia tripartita
Pinellia ternata
Arisarum proboscidium
Arisarum vulgare
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia Green Goddess ( self seeds everywhere )
Zantedeschia elliottiana
Alocasia macrorrhiza
Sauromatum guttatum

Judging by the amount of offsets my Helicodiceros and Dracunculus
made this summer I suspect they could be mildly invasive given time.

It's STILL hot here and we badly need rain.

Cheers from fried Melbourne,


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