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  Re: Tuber vs. Corm and how about pronunciation?
From: Ellen Hornig <hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 1999.01.14 at 02:29:16(2896)
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Rand Nicholson wrote:
> Yeah, yeah. Blame it on the Canadians, Ray. Beat up our poor Loony AND it's
> like we make snow up here out of spite, every time we watch a Yank weather
> report. Well ..., maybe we do, maybe we don't ...
> You'll never beat our beer, though!
Touchy, touchy! and where else did these two or three feet of snow that
I'm currently enjoying come from, Rand? And what about these frigid
winds blowing in from the northwest, in which direction, I believe, lie
the Canadian prairies???

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