IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: Tuber vs. Corm and how about pronunciation?
From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1999.01.13 at 21:33:32(2895)
>In the AEG (Arisaema Enthusiasts Group) discussion list, Arisaema-L, the
>subject was discussed
>in depth (you might even say, beat to death) and tuber was the final
>As for pronunciation, the latter "Ar-i-se'-ma" accent on the "se" and "e"
>sounding as "ee" is correct according to the "New Pronouncing Dictionary
>of Plant Names". The "Manual of Herbaceous Ornamental Plants" (Steven M.
>Still) agrees.
>Still, we too find a few members using the other pronunciation. I think
>it's a Canadian thing.

Yeah, yeah. Blame it on the Canadians, Ray. Beat up our poor Loony AND it's
like we make snow up here out of spite, every time we watch a Yank weather
report. Well ..., maybe we do, maybe we don't ...

You'll never beat our beer, though!


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