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  Re: Tuber vs. Corm and how about pronunciation?
From: Jmh98law at aol.com on 1999.01.13 at 01:28:57(2884)
Yes, I would like to see this discussion again, especially with respect to
Arisaema, from my garden's point of view. The PhD botanist from whom I get my
Chinese and Japanese Arisaema (name withheld for obvious reasons) calls what
he sends me "bulbs". [For that matter, he pronounces Arisaema "Air
iss(accent) i ma" When I studied Latin in another life and a long time ago,
the "ae" was pronouced as "ee" [as in seek], which would make it "Air i
see(accent) ma". Any opinions out there on the proper pronunciation?

In the new book "My Favorite Plant", Ken Druse says Arisaema grow from
"tubers". What do you think?


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