I would like to commend Dr. Thompson for pulling it all together. She has
done a great job since taking over the Editorship.
Also, I would like to thank Dr. Croat for his very interesting article on
his trip to Peru and to Ecuador. This narative sort of filled in the gaps
in some of the stories that I hear when all the participants returned. Dr.
Croat has a great sense of humor that is sometimes not shown in many of his
articles. I would like for some of the participants to sort of fill in the
gaps. There was something that I heard about a mustache and a plant
clipper.... See?
Also to Don Burns for filing his article about the Show. Don did this on
just a one day notice.
To Dr. McDonald, Jr... What an interesting article on the Bears! Who
would have thought that with all the things that are in the aroids that
they were being used for food on a regular basis... Very good. (With the
low fat content, I seem to think that I should go grazing with the bears!!)
And last but certainly not least... Toby Marsden. Toby was the only one
that responded to my request a few months back when I asked for someone to
do a column for the Newsletter. Toby, one of our younger members, is just
finishing High School but writes with the command of someone much older.
He has promised that this will be a regular column and I trust that his
school work will allow it to be so. Some of the projects that we have
discussed would be a "Walking Tour of Kew" and some other of the great
gardens that are in the United Kingdon... and possibly with photos. Toby,
great job and congratulations, we appreciate your efforts.
Needless to say, when I started reading the Newsletter, I did not put it
down till every bit of it was read.
Looking forward to bigger and better.
Dewey Fisk,
International Aroid Society
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
Your Source for Tropical Araceae