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Monster Monstera
From: Gary Meltzer <kathann1 at tsoft.com> on 1998.12.16 at 05:36:32(2828)
Hi William,
I think you are correct that potting the existing plant into a larger pot
as is would probably do just as you say. You might try air layering the
stem just where it emerges from the existing concrete substrate, and when
rooted, repot and remove the old stuff. Make sure that at least one node
is covered with moss or whatever you are going to use, and water through
this material. When you repot, just remove the old rooting medium and the
plant will only have reduced in size a couple of inches, and your friend
won't know you have done it. Then again, decent treatment may be quite a
shock to this specimen, and the new growth will be larger and more
vigorous, and you will get the blame. Remember, the expert is always the
guy from out of town, and after making his pronouncements, he goes home!
Good luck, and happy holidays. Gary
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