can be carried over
winter either at room temperature or at cool temperatures, such as in a
basement or
under the house. I really don't think it matters as long as the corms
are kept dry and in the dark.
Those that are more "fleshy" in the root system (e.g., Colocasia
fontanesii or C. antiquorum--excuse the certain spelling) have not
survived for me if dug up and stored; it seems much better to leave
in the ground or in a pot. Either mulch well or put the pot in your
garage, etc.
I have a story you may find hard to believe, but it is true. I moved to
a new house in September of '97, which meant I had to dig up all my
plants and move them too. In the process, many miscellaneuos tubers,
corms, etc. ended up in my garage. This summer, in August, I was
sweeping out the garage and found a dry, shriveled clump of debris--this
was a dried tangle of roots and matted dirt, but no "corm" that I could
feel or see. Anyway, I planted this "mystery" thing just for the heck
of it. Lo and behold, it sprouted
and is now growing vigorously. It is a Xanthosoma. If that's any
indication, there are at least some aroids that may have a truly
remakable ability to resurrect themselves, even after a year or more in
Clarence Hester