From: "Richard Mansell (BIO)" <mansell at> on 1997.01.30 at 22:34:14(270)
Greetings once again, the photos are scanned and you can access them at
the top of the IAS ID page. There are 12 cultivars (with names) and in
addition, the green strap leafed one is also available in limited numbers
(free). I can send them once you decide which ones and how many. The
grower agreed to the price so that's right at wholesale. I will send them
on a date you suggest but they can be held for sometime yet if kept dry.
Do give me specifics about the variety, the number of tubers of each, and
the date you wish to receive them. I will be in Ecuador for the first 2
weeks of March so we will need to work around this period. The only added
cost will be postage but the basic $3 for a priority two pound box should
suffice unless you are going to load up!
Also, remember that if you dig the tubers next Fall after the leaves die
back, you will harvest many more tubers that you sowed and will be able to
give the extras to your friends and neighbors.
This distribution is being done as a public service to the wonderful and
generous members of "aroid-l". (plus, it gives me practice at scanning and
writing html.)