From: "Victor G. Soukup" <soukupvg at> on 1998.09.11 at 22:23:21(2586)
To those requesting Peltandra virginica seed.
I had sufficient seed to be able to send everyone requesting some a small
packet. It went out early this week and I have had memos from several
people stating that it was received. The six non-US destinations will
undoubtedly have to wait a little longer.
If you purchased a copy of the Genera of Araceae I would suggest that you
look up the genus Peltandra there for some specific information about these
plants. They usually grow in shallow water in a sandy, silty, mucky soil,
most often in full sun. However, I have seen them growing, and flowering,
in rather deep shade of a deciduous woods that is partly inundated in
spring but is often half dry by fall. As the infructesence develops the
walls become very thick and the "fruiting head" becomes quite heavy.
Depending on the number of berries developing, the spathe may or may not be
able to completely cover them.
When rhe seeds are ripe, the peduncle bends so that the head is partly to
completely submerged. There is no true dehisence and seeds are discharged
by rotting away of the spathe to release the berries. The berries are
usually either one or two seeded, the seed(s) being surrounded by a viscous
sticky gel which, if you were following the discussion a short while back,
probably serve to protect the seeds from germinating until conditions are
From its occurence in northern Florida, it is obvious that Peltandra does
not need freezing but it does want a rest. However, its
occurence much farther north means it can stand cold. Probably the best
course would be to stratify the seed in a big pot of mucky soil or soiless
mix which is kept very wet or which has standing water in it. This should
be kept cold but not allowed to freeze solid -- probably preferable to keep
it cold but above freezing. Perhaps Eduardo to whom I sent seeds last year
for his research may add to this description since he had germination
within a few
days. Some of you may have found seed germinating in the packet. I found
a few germinating seeds in berries of which the coat was punctured. I also
found a small leech in one of the infructescences which had a lot of
berries and in which, therefore, the surrounding spathe cover was gaping.
Good luck!
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