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  Southern toad in potted Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'malanga'
From: Judy Bauer <jbauer at concordnc.com> on 1998.07.15 at 12:33:08(2473)
Hi Aroiders,

On June 11 1998 I bought a Xanthosoma sagittifolium 'malanga' corm. I
planted it directly in the ground out doors. A couple weeks later I
noticed the top stopped growing. I noticed what appeared to be tunnels
dug around the malanga. After I pulled up the corm I noticed the entire
bottom half had been eaten off. There are a few moles and voles around.
I dipped the corm in sulfur and potted it up. Just this past weekend I
noticed a Southern Toad in the pot with the malanga. The toad appeared
to be laying eggs. Its body was half buried in the pot for two full days
without moving. The foliage of the malanga has started growing again in
this tiny 6 inch pot.
My question is how long does it take toad eggs to hatch? Do these eggs
need constant moisture before they hatch? Will the sulfur hurt the toad

Judy Bauer

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