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  [Aroid-l] Alocasia Bisma v Reginae v Nebula
From: Ben Yorke <bdby at me.com> on 2021.01.23 at 06:55:16(24420)
I have always been fascinated by Alocasias, foremost jewel Alocasias. Many of them are easy to distinguish, but I often see many plants identified as both Reginae and Nebula, and to a lesser extent Bisma. As Indonesian exporters are growing in popularity, so are the cross-ids and conflicting information.

I would love to learn to distinguish between these three, but I don’t know where to go to get official information. Every site I can find with information seems to be casual articles and they will all contradict one another, leaving me even more confused.

Is there a place I can go to learn about the horticultural distinctions? Or can someone explain to me (or link me to) an accurate breakdown of the different species?

Thanks so much!

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