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  Re: A.titanum in Atlanta
From: Daryl Pulis <pulis at mindspring.com> on 1998.07.04 at 23:57:09(2413)

Geri Laufer from the Atlanta Botanical Garden spoke at length about the A.
titanum on my radio show this morning. Some of the points she made were that
the coolness of the air conditioned lobby of the Conservatory has slowed it
down a bit. It is currently just shy of 6 feet tall. It is still expected to
open later this week, perhaps on the 8th, though as both Rons (Determan and
Gagliardo ) pointed out to her many times, it is is a living organism and
will do as it wishes ;-) She said that new pictures were sent to the person
handling the website, but that presumably the holiday has slowed down its
update. She expects that the new pictures will be up by Monday.

BTW, She also mentioned that when it was moved from the greenhouse to the
conservatory that it was already too big to fit through the door, and much
staking and wrapping with foam material was done and many prayers said!


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