On 8/7/2018 3:02 AM, StroWi@t-online.de
is a very nice comment on FB - I still regret the day (I guess
it was an aroid-L member) when the amorphophalllus group in FB
was opened; well, it has it advatages like easy posting
pictures etc and the manyfold contacts to people all over the
world; but you pint out nicely the disadvatages - let alone
the advatages for Mr. Zuckerberg..
was remarkable how quickly the aroid-L lost the active members
who definitely all switched to FB...
never joined FB and probably never will - interesting that
more and more people dislike FB; we'll see what happens...
since you are a FB member, Peter, what about writing a post
there to remember people that the aroid-L is still there;
after it is posseble to post pictures here as well, it is more
attractive again - maybe even all the nice people and experts
in Amorphs etc. like Lord P., Alan G., Steve J, Christian T.,
Susan B., Tom C., Tony A., Scott H., Lester K., Marek A.,
Albert H., Steve M., and and and..... (sorry to all I do not
mention in a hurry.....) think about it and come back or
my 2ct....
growing, Bernhard.
Betreff: Re: [Aroid-l] Zamioculcas - like
Gonatopus ?
Datum: 2018-08-07T08:56:36+0200
Von: "Peter Boyce"
An: "Discussion of aroids"
Steve and all... I for one would be delighted to see
Aroid-L with a new lease of life - the sheer quantity of
"messages" I get when posting anything on FB has led me to
being very selective, not to say the annoyance of trying to
re-find a post that only moments earlier was on the screen
but is now buried under a mass of images of peoples' food
interspersed with persistent adverts for incontinence
Anyhow... in the vein of sharing... here is a nice dwarf
Schismatoglottis we are in the process of describing for
inclusion in the next Aroideana.
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