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Re: [Aroid-l] Help please,
From: Jill Bell <jb_bell at comcast.net>
on 2017.07.08 at 18:26:36(23785)
Well, this is exciting! I am taking the pulp off, and the ripest seeds are already sprouting. this is a terrible photo, I took it with my phone and no macro but you can see the upper left one has a shoot coming out. There are a bunch like that. :) I am happy! I am also attaching the original plant photo, and the pod which is about 6-8” long. I have asked Dr. Croat to ID it. They were sold as A. Caribbeum back in the 80’s. I haven’t seen one for sale since then. It is the big anthurium in the back.
Best Regards,
Jill Bell
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On Jul 7, 2017, at 8:12 PM, Zach DuFran wrote:
Hi Jill,
It sounds like you have given your seeds a good start. I have germinated Anthurium seeds from several different species this way (an enclosed container of moist sphagnum moss) and had near 100% germination. The only thing I'm not clear about from your description is whether you removed the seeds from the berries. Typically I remove all of the "fruit" surrounding the seeds.
You will want to monitor your seeds to make sure there is not any mold growing on them or anywhere in the enclosure. If there is, you can spritz that with diluted apple cider vinegar.
You asked about when to take them out. I would wait until you have a couple of leaves developing and then you can gently separate the seedlings and pot them individually. This probably gives them the best chance to develop healthy roots.
There was an article "Growing aroids from seed" in Aroideana volume 35 (2012) that describes the methods that some of our members, myself included, have used to germinate aroids.
Good luck and don't forget to update us in a few weeks!
Zach DuFran
On Jul 7, 2017, at 3:40 PM, JILL BELL wrote:
I received a ripe spath in the mail of an anthurium I am hoping Dr. Croat can identify, that I had years ago and gave a piece to a friend. She has had it for 25 years, and mine died years ago. I want to grow one of these!!! How not to kill it? I put a bunch of fresh seeds on a shallow tray of wet sphagnum and tented it with a freezer bag, put it in a low light window. Will that work? When to take them out? I have more seeds left. Any other ideas? Should I spray the ones I planted with Neem oil to prevent fungus? Help!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate any help here. :)))
Best Regards,
Jill Bell Graphic Design/Web Design/E-commerce/Digital Marketing
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