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Re: [Aroid-l] Tiny Typhonium ID?
From: Steve Marak <samarak at gizmoworks.com>
on 2017.04.30 at 03:16:39(23770)
Thank you, Wilbert.
If I get time, I'll open an inflorescence and take a few pictures.
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On 4/27/2017 5:51 AM, Wilbert Hetterscheid wrote:
> I guess this is T. rhizomatosum.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@www.gizmoworks.com] Namens Steve Marak
> Verzonden: woensdag 26 april 2017 2:39
> Aan: aroid-l@www.gizmoworks.com
> Onderwerp: [Aroid-l] Tiny Typhonium ID?
> Aroiders,
> Attached is an image of a small Typhonium given me by Scott Hyndman some years ago. At the time, nobody seemed to know for sure what it was beyond Typhonium, and as I recall Wilbert was there, so that pretty much says it all.
> I have a fair bit of it now - it's not weedy in the sense of leaping large pots in a single season or anything, just makes lots of new shoots in the pots it's in - and I've distributed it to other people, so if there's a valid species name I'd like to pass that along. Does anyone recognize it?
> As an aside, I also have T. violaefolium (still tagged with your accession number, Wilbert, after all this time) and T. cordifolium, though not the silver-leafed form. Are there other tiny Typhoniums I should be seeking?
> Thanks,
> Steve
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