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Re: A.titanum at Fairchild Tropical Garden
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at email.msn.com> on 1998.06.29 at 03:29:21(2372)
>>The pollen was ripe Fri. evening,collected,and sent to Atlanta where
another titanum is on the verge of blooming.It's purpose achieved,the
Miami spadix collapsed at 8:00a.m.EDT on Sat. There were quite a few
visitors to the inflorescence throughout the day and most were glad to
see it ----erect or not.
As the day went on one could almost see the wilting and drawing in of
the remainder of the inflorescence----it won't be long before it is
entirely down. It's been a fascinating process!!!
Although sometimes it's difficult to explain the Amorphophallus
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to non- botany minded people, I think most of them have appreciated the
opportunity to learn about something so unique.
Dear Susan,
Thank you for keeping those of us that live at too far a distance from
Fairchild up to date on this remarkable event. My back went out on
Thursday, which prevented me from even THINKING of going down to Miami as I
had planned on Friday.
I do hope that the pollen "keeps" till it can be used at Atlanta.
An interesting exercise at this point would be to poll those people that
were lucky enough to experence it`s remarkable odor. The human animal is
well known for it`s differences in perceptions, and there have been so many
conflicting accounts as to what this infloresence smells like, I suspect
this may be because we all perceive odors slightly differently, though we
may all agree that something smells "bad". Let`s see what we can come up
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.