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From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.06.15 at 14:57:14(2315)
While working in the yard yesterday afternoon.... about an hour before
sunset.... I noticed the very faint odor of rotting flesh..... Now,
knowing that nothing in the immediate area had departed this world.... I
immediately went to the area that housed the Amorphophallus.... There in
all of it's glory, A. opertus was emitting the odor that was designed to
spread it's genes....
I checked it out... and with my very bad smeller....(sinus problems...) I
could smell it over 50 ft. away.... and of course... that depends on the
way the very slight to non-existant breeze was blowing.
Needless to say... the camera will be clicking this morning....
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Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
Your Source for Tropical Araceae
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