IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] Australians
From: "Betsy Feuerstein" <ecuador10 at comcast.net> on 2014.09.02 at 16:43:38(23095)
Another person to remember is Scott Hyndman. Scott was very active in IAS for many years. He now lives elsewhere but he does deserve due credit in his IAS efforts.

In the big picture of the past, there are so many who really did a great deal for IAS, some as growers, some as collectors, some as organizational contributors. I am sure there are more that have not been mentioned. I know there are some active in the Miami area/South Florida at this time who should be mentioned. Maybe Marie can fill us in on those individuals. I know I have heard hosts of the Christmas Party, the show banquet or other projects. Certainly Tom Moore has done a great deal helping at the shows. He is always there behind the desk. I know there are others. Please someone in the know make sure these individuals are given their due credit.




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