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From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 1:25 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid Plantmen
Derek et al,
On my only trip to the annual show and sale, I was invited to tour Bob See's place.
John Banta is a good source not only for other Plantmen, but for himself. His place is amazing (or at least was) and I don't know how many hybrids he is responsible
for, but many. I remember one trip Dewey Fisk and I took to Northern Florida to visit some people named Worthman, I think. Although Dewey told me the were bromeliad people, he thought they might have some variegated Philodendron 'Florida'. Instead they
had several dozen pots of Anthurium dresslerii, which was really uncommon at that time. I believe it was discovered that this was not really A. dresslerii after Rick Cirino brought the plant back from Columbia. Anyway, John crossed it with many of the velour
Anthuriums (A. forgetii, A. chrystalinum, etc.).
Another very good Plantsman, in addition to being a Botanist, was Monroe Birdsey. I had the opportunity to visit his place with Dewey Fisk on one of my trips.
Joe Wright was another good Florida Plantsman, but on the west coast. Surely some Floridians can elaborate on Monroe and Joe.
Other Botanists, who are Plantsmen are Tom Croat and, I understand Wilbert Hetterscheid. Also, from the experiences he relates, I think Peter Boyce might also
qualify as a good Plantman. I have visited the Munich Botanical Gardens, where Josef Bogner was my host. Now there is another Plantman/Botanist.
Of course if you could get Dewey to share some of his stories, you would have another really good source.
I sure hope others, with more knowledge will contribute to this thread.
David Leedy
On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 3:59 AM, derek burch wrote:
I will see if I can stir up John Banta about Bob See. John is a fantastic source of information, and we may be able to put together something
for the e-supplement to Aroideana which is due out in December. Or even a longer piece from many contributors which I should be happy to collate and edit for next years Aroideana (deadline December 15, 2014 before you all get busy for the holidays) Thanks
to every one who is poking the fire to get this topic on the move. Derek
From: []
On Behalf Of John Criswick
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 8:59 PM
To: 'Discussion of aroids'
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid Plantmen
Hi David,
Bob and Catherine Wilson did create a wonderful botanical garden in Las Cruces , Costa Rica . I understand it was off the beaten track and
very difficult to get there. I was hearing about it in the 60s.
Yes I do believe that Anderson ’s Nursery is in Carlsbad .
Did anyone know Bob See of Florida and of the aroids he created?
John Criswick
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 11:27 AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Aroid Plantmen
Thank you Derek,
The Newsletter is exactly where I was trying to direct that kind of information.
Over 35 years ago, I propagated Aroids for Bob Cole and Bill Cook's Botanical Gardens Plant Shop in Reseda, California . I recall
that they mentioned Ed Hummel, but they always referred to him as "Mr. Hummel." Like so many, I can't remember what I knew about him.
I was of the opinion that Anderson 's red was from Anderson 's Nursery in the San Diego area, possibly Carlsbad . I do recall visiting
that nursery around 40 years ago and meeting his son, I believe his name was Rod. It is quite possible that Mr. Hummel named it.
I am of the opinion that one of the Bobs, Wilson or McColley, went to Costa Rica and built a rare plant nursery or area there.
David Leedy
On Monday, August 25, 2014 5:28 AM, derek burch wrote:
The articles that Enid and I did for the June Newsletter were attempts to stimulate more on this type reminiscence (perhaps of a more serious
nature than mine) –but, rather as expected, there has been no follow up. The medium for publishing in an archived form Newsletter and Aroideana) does exist. Now we need more people to join in with submissions.
Best, Derek
p.s. Fantastic Gardens was Bob Wilson, not Bob McColley, who was active in the Apopka area at Bamboo Nursery, and introduced a number of
philodendrons, including such gems as Prince of Orange ’. After his death, his wife Cora continued his work if my memory is correct. Glasshouse Works attributes Anderson ’s Red to Ed Hummel.
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 7:33 PM
To: Aroid-L List
Subject: [Aroid-l] Aroid Plantmen
I appreciated the information given to us on this list by A. Sunjian with respect to Philodendron ‘xEvansii’ and Philodendron ‘ Soledad
’. However, I want to know more about the “Plantsmen” in the Aroid Plant Family. We can read about the old timey Botanist (e.g. Schott and Engler & Kraus), the Botanists of our life time (e.g. Cecil Prime and Monroe Birdsey), and the current Botanists.
But how about the Plansmen?
What is the story of Anderson ’s Red (Philodendron) and of particular interest would be Bob McCauley of Fantastic Gardens fame in Miami
? What other Plantsmen should we know about? How about famous Plantsmen in Australia , the UK , Germany , etc.? What cultivars or hybrids are they responsible for?
I, for one, would really appreciate anyone taking the time to either write this down or tell me where I might otherwise find it.
Thank you.
David Leedy
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