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  Re: [Aroid-l] ID Help
From: "S. Cox" <snalice at suddenlink.net> on 2014.07.20 at 00:56:12(23012)

Thank you for suggestions. I'm attaching a couple of photos. If
there needs to be more for ID, will someone let me know please? It's
not a rare thing, I just can't remember what it is.....that's not too
rare either. I believe I got it from a seed order that myself and other
Aroiders were involved in 5,10, or 15 years ago from a nursery far
away. Brazil? But that could be wrong. I might not have a clue where
I got it. If the photo files are too large, please delete them and let
me know so I can resize them?

Thank you Greg, Steve and all,


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