On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Peter Boyce wrote:
Hi Jason,
We have several Nephthytis in cultivation (afzelii, hallaei, poissonii, and swanei) raised from seed we acquired in early 2010. They germinated very easily and although initially slow growing, once they began to form their rhizome (after about one year) all became vigorous and very easy to maintain. Nephthytis swanei flowered for the first time last year (2 1/2 years from germination).
We also have Culcasia mannii and Cercestis dinklagei both acquired from a nursery in N Sumatera (!).
I have to say that I don't agree with Tom that African genera are hard to grow. Even under less than ideal glasshouse conditions Kew maintains a reasonably extensive collection of tropical African taxa, many of which (e.g., Culcasia, Stylochaeton) have been cultivated for decades. The majority are lowland to mid-elevation taxa and I am certain that were they given higher minimum temperatures they would be almost weedy.
On 24 June 2013 22:59, Jason Hernandez wrote:
Hello again, fellow aroiders,
I have been wondering today about African aroids. Those of us who grow tropical aroids will be aware of the genera of the American tropics, i.e. Caladium, Xanthosoma, Philodendron, Anthurium, Monstera, Spathiphyllum, Dieffenbachia, et al.; and the Southeast Asian genera, Epipremnum, Aglaonema, Colocasia, Alocasia, Cyrtosperma, and most of the Amorphs. But Africa seems almost like the Lost Continent. Other than Zantedeschia and some of the Amorphs, what African genera are widely known in cultivation? The biodiversity of Africa has long fascinated me, but it seems like the most difficult continent to find out much about. Who here grows African aroids besides Zantedeschia and Amorphs?
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D. Christopher Rogers
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