On 1/27/2013 9:19 AM, DAVID LEEDY
Condition #3 on my Permit to Import Plants:
"A phytosanitary
certificate must accompany all propagative material
imported under this permit."
I am corresponding with an individual in
the UK growing plants in his back yard as I am doing here. I would like to
obtain two or three bulbs of one of the plants he is
growing (an Arum). The
cost and other requirements of the authorities in the UK
are so burdensome as to prohibit the type of exchange we
would like to make.
He states:
"If you have tangled with Plant Health in the UK
you will understand why I don't want to get wrapped up in
it. Last time I worked with the system it would only
accept applications for imports through the online system,
and the online system would only accept shipments of fruit
and vegetables in container loads. The telephone helpline
advised me to lie on my application! I."
Today, I received a letter from Michael
Watson, Acting Executive Director of APHIS (USDA), in
response to my inquiry, stating:
“…there is no exception to the regulatory
requirement for a phytosanitary certificate when importing
small quantities of bulbs or tubers. Bulbs and tubers are
a more likely pathway for pests and disease. Accordingly, we
require that the importer obtain a phytosanitary
certificate issued by the national plant health
authorities of the country of export. These certificates
provide assurance that the plant or plant product has been
inspected and found free of plant pests and diseases prior
to its entry into the United States. While we understand
that obtaining a phytosanitary certificate may be
inconvenient and can add to the cost of doing business, we
assure you that this requirement is necessary to protect
American agriculture.”
I really have two questions:
1. How
much American agriculture is really protected by this
requirement, particularly as it relates to exchanges of
small quantities of bulbs and tubers between hobbyists? Is anyone aware of any
2. Is this a windmill worth tilting at? Believe me, I am 73
years old, retired, and not above taking up lost causes
and I have even won some of these.
Please pass this on to anyone who might be
able to contribute an idea or suggestion.
David Leedy